Annual Day is a perfect venue for the students to showcase
their inherent abilities and talents through an array of entertaining
programmes. Sangamner’s biggest annual Day is hosted by SMBT that is CELEFIESTA
2016. CELEFIESTA was a great success as all the students actively participated
in various cultural and sports events and had won great prizes for the same.
All the activities which CELEFIESTAhosts are distinct from other colleges and students
with their participation proved it. Esteemed guests &Honorable Father Robert
D'Costa commenced the evening by lighting the ceremonial lamp. This motivated
and boosted the morale of participants to a large extent. This function was
elevated with presence of:
- Dr.HarshalTambe (Managing Trustee, SMBT Sevabhavi Trust)
- Dr.VarshaHarshalTambe (Director, SMBT Dental College)
- Dr. Ashok Patil (Principal, SMBT Dental College )
- Mr.DashrathVarpe Sir. Chief Officer (Finance) SMBT Sevabhavi Trust
- Prof. BalkrishnaDeshpande (Administrative officer, SMBT Dental College )
- Programme Co-ordinator of Integrated & Tribal Water Shed Development Programme of Sangamner.
Function had various cultural and sports events like:
- Dance
- Fashion show
- Skit musical Drama
- Group Dance
- Individual sports
- Group sports
In the end, 2 days of celefiesta 2016 was an unforgettable
experience that will be cherished by every student at SMBT.
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