10 Tips to become Pro at Photography

When we meet some beautiful moments in our lives, we always wish to capture them and this is how we create memories for life. Each and every photograph has something to say which is an art of observation. Let’s make this art more interesting by participating in this Photography Contest which is live on our Facebook Page.
So, Want to participate in the contest and click better photographs? Here are some important and useful tips for better clicks!

  1. Get it close: If you feel that the images aren’t popping take a step towards your subject. Fill the spaces of your photo and you will see how much better it looks when the spaces are not wasted. The closer you are to the subject, the better expressions you can see.

  1. Hold your camera properly: You might not know it, but there is a wrong way and a right way to hold a camera. Your grip determines your stability and ease of operations. Hence, making it easier to click pictures because at the end, it is all about the “moment” and what good it is if you lose that!
  2. Rule of thirds:  This is one of the most common tips to improve your photography. Always try and cut your frame into thirds that is by using horizontal and vertical lines. You then place your point of interest over the cross sections or in a particular third.

  3. Be present:  Always keep your eyes engaged onto your subject because, it’s all that you want to click and SHOULD click!
  4. Exposure: It all about the amount of light you let in into your camera. If your camera sensor receives too much of light then your photos will be washed out (too much of light), whereas very little light will make your photo dark. Proper exposure to light is the key to get a better click.

  5. Keep your batteries charged: This is the simple but the most important one. Always keep your batteries on charge once you come back from your shoot and make sure to put into the bag once it is fully charged. It sounds easy and obvious but you know how many moments and occasions you have missed because of the “battery low” problem!
  6. Take Inspiration:  Take as much possible knowledge of photography as you can from books, magazines and online portals. Look at different styles, technical elements of pictures and think how they were made and what the photographer is trying to say. Work out on what you like, what you don’t and apply accordingly in your style.

  7. Be a part of photography community: Being a part of a photography community will help you publish your photos, be active and get feedback on how your work is. You can learn new things that will help you improve and excel.

  8. Break the rules: Now as you know some of the rules, go ahead and break them! Experiment. Make mistakes. Have fun. Make your own tips and technique for better photographs.
  9. Shoot regularly: “Practice makes a man perfect” because it is the best and the only way to improve your skills. Click as much photographs as you can and try to spend hours behind your camera to help you improve your photography and composition skills. Start it the way you want and never worry about the failures.

We hope that these tips help you win our Facebook Photography Contest with some exciting prizes! Post your photographs or their links here in the comments and get suggestion/review from our very own in-house photography expert!
Let’s make our own SMBT Photography Community and spread the love through Photographs!



Author & Editor

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