Getting through a medical college may be one of the most amazing, if not, challenging trials a student might face in their lifetime. The good news? You don’t have to do it alone. We’re not even talking about the lifelong friends you’ll make along the way, but instead about the abundance of 21st-century tools at your disposal.
Topping the list? Apps. Let’s count down 10 picks aimed at helping you make the most out of medical school.
MedCal X: Available in 5 languages with more on the way, MedCalX can be customized with one’s favorite equations. Medical students are ready to go with the information they need when time-sensitive situations arise. This app will help them do their job better. This medical calculator puts access to complex medical formulas, scores, scales and classifications literally at your fingertips.
Eponyms: There are more than 8,000 medical eponyms named after the people (or places or things) associated with the identification of the disease. Needless to say, keeping track of these eponyms can be a chore. This free app lets users browse and search thousands of common medical eponyms!
Daily Rounds: This new kind of digital journal puts the latest clinical cases from medical schools around the world in your back pocket. Daily Rounds’ case-based, problem-solving approach, gives medical students a first-hand look at new, relevant and well-curated clinical scenarios for a unique and ongoing learning process.
Medscape: This is a highly-rated app and used by healthcare professionals all over the world. Its features include medical news; drug information and tools; clinical presentations, workups and treatment information; and even continuing medical education courses. Don’t have access to the internet at the moment? One can also take advantage of this app offline.
Epocrates: This leading medical reference app is trusted by healthcare providers to support decisions, save time, and delivers patient-focused care in an instant thanks to everything from drug interaction, checks to in-depth etc. Considering that time is one of a med student’s most valuable assets, feedback from users indicating that Epocrates saves at least 20 minutes a day is reason enough to download this app.
Brainscape: Medical school students study a lot. But what if there was a way you could easily increase your active recall and cognition? There is, and it’s called spaced repetition. This app, which bills itself as “flashcards on steroids,” harnesses the power of this scientifically-proven retention technique to help students learn more easily and efficiently.
Pepid: What can you do with app? Quickly and easily navigate clinical and drug content, take and share notes with classmates and colleagues, find critical drug interactions, and improve your differential diagnosis capabilities - all at once.
Drugs Dictionary: A pocket dictionary for drugs with a friendly interface. It stores all information about drugs; their uses, how to take, side effects, precautions, drug interactions, missed dose, storage.
Diseases Dictionary Medical: An offline free medical dictionary app containing medical disorders & diseases with detailed definitions, symptoms, causes and treatment information. It is a handbook that acts as as a clinical adviser for self diagnosis and can also be used to look up symptoms, diseases and treatment.
Prognosis: Your Diagnosis: An app with an engaging series of clinical case scenarios which assess the decision making skills of the player. Each one is accompanied by comprehensive and concise discussion of the diagnostic reasoning involved and key lessons applicable to day to day practice. Your Diagnosis is also useful practice material for medical students and other healthcare professionals facing their academic and professional licensure exams.
From juggling copious amounts of information to keeping up with the very best practices in patient care, today’s med students have a lot to learn. And while medical school may not be easy, these 10 apps not only make the experience more manageable, but can also help you become a better student and future doctors in the process.
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