Ayurveda, or ‘the science of life’ concentrates on full-body healing with a combination of physical, psychological and spiritual health. It states that our ‘Dosha’, a type of bodily humor, is a huge determinant of not only their health but also their personality. In this blog, SMBT describes the three types of Doshas and how one can keep them in balance.
In Ayurveda, they believe that the world is made of five elements, namely Aakash or space, Jala or water, Prithvi or Earth, Teja or fire and Vayu or air. A combination of these elements results in three Doshas, which are Vata, Kapha and Pitta. These three Doshas are said to influence one’s mental, emotional and physiological health. Everyone is believed to have a ratio of Doshas that is unique to them, determining their Ayurvedic constitution which acts as an outline to reaching good health.
This Dosha mainly consists of Vaayu (air) and Akash (space) elements. It is represented by characteristics such as cold, rough, light, flowing, spacious and dry. People with this Dosha are defined as creatives who are great at multitasking with high energy and are usually of slim build. They have a knack for thinking out of the box and get distracted very often. Their mood fluctuates with the weather, people they surround themselves with and the food they consume. They often experience anxiety, digestive issues, are prone to colds, have poor blood circulation and more. Ayurveda recommends that Vata-dominant people should follow strict everyday routines, meditate to navigate stress, keep up warm body temperatures and engage in calming activities.
This Dosha, pronounced ‘kuffa’ is compromised of Prithvi (Earth) and Jal (water). It is characterised as stable, heavy, steady, cold, slow and soft. People with this Dosha are strong, caring, have thick bones, a healthy immune system, empathetic, wise, known to be great mediators of conflict, think before they act, do not get upset easily, a great shoulder to cry on and navigate life in a calculated manner. They are more likely to gain weight or develop heart problems, may experience breathing problems, are prone to depression, need a source of constant motivation. Ayurveda recommends that Kapha-dominant people follow regular exercise and maintain a sleep schedule.
This Dosha consists of Agni (fire) and Jal (water) elements. It has characteristics like light, hot, oily, sharp, mobile and liquid. People with this Dosha usually are of athletic and muscular build, have good circulation, healthy skin and hair, said to be strong leaders who are goal-oriented, competitive and constantly motivated. They can cause conflict due to their aggressive nature, have a high appetite and are prone to mood swings, inflammation and acne. Ayurveda recommends that Pitta-dominant people must maintain a healthy work-life balance and stay away from excessive heat.
Ayurvedic medicine being a type of alternative treatment is yet to be accepted by many medical professionals but has proven to effectively treat many individuals.
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