Many people often experience a feeling of pressure in the head or behind the eyes. Feelings of pressure in the head and dizziness may happen together as well.
Head pressure may be a type of headache or may happen alongside a headache. But, what are the causes behind head pressure and dizziness? Is there any underlying condition?
This SMBT blog will list some possible causes of head pressure and dizziness occurring together.
Seasonal allergies, which doctors sometimes call allergic rhinitis, can be the reason behind feelings of pressure in the head and sinuses.
Some people also experience symptoms such as sneezing, itchy eyes, a sore throat, and a general feeling of being ill. Any of these symptoms can lead to dizziness or head pressure, especially if a person feels very congested or develops sinusitis.
A headache that results from sinusitis can cause feelings of pressure in the head, especially near the front of the face and under the eyes region. This happens because fluid builds up in the sinuses, generally due to an underlying infection.
Some people also get dizzy, feel unwell, or have lower energy levels. Applying heated pads or warm compresses to the face may help reduce dizziness. Some people may also find relief by taking allergy medications or over-the-counter (OTC) pain killers.
Ear infections
Ear infections usually affect the middle ear which is just near the eardrum. These infections are most common among children. Sometimes, an ear infection may follow another illness, such as a sinus infection or the flu.
The middle ear makes fluid itself to keep itself clean, and this fluid should drain into the throat through an opening. However, if the throat swells up the opening shut down. Therefore, the fluid collects and gets clogged, which can be painful, and might lead to infection. Symptoms may come on suddenly, and most people may develop a fever. A person may also have pressure in the head, dizziness, or ringing in the ears.
Migraine is a neurological type of headache that happens when sensory changes in the brain cause head pain and other unusual sensations.
Some people experience migraines as head pressure along with other neurological symptoms, such as dizziness, sensitivity to light, vomiting, hearing unusual sounds, seeing unusual lights. \
Taking pain relievers may help ease a migraine headache, but people experiencing chronic migraine headaches should get in touch with a doctor.
High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure, especially a sudden shift in blood pressure, may cause acute pain and pressure in the head, as well as dizziness.
Any type of pain, including that which is associated with headaches, may also cause high blood pressure. However, in this case, relieving the headache does not necessarily lead to lower blood pressure. Managing stress or eating less salt can help lower blood pressure.
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