You can consider yourself “fully vaccinated” after at least two weeks since you received your last dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. But before you throw caution to the wind (or throw a party), it’s important to remember that COVID-19 is still spreading and the majority of Indians have yet to be vaccinated. Some precautions continue to be necessary to protect yourself and the people around you.
Here are some facts that you need to consider if you’re fully vaccinated:
You can be maskless around other vaccinated people
While you cannot neglect wearing masks after getting the vaccine, there's one thing vaccinated people can do, which is they can take their masks off when they are present with other vaccine beneficiaries. However, it is important to remember that wearing masks is of utmost importance when accessing public transport or in a social gathering.
No need for quarantine if you get exposed
Guidelines suggest that individuals who have been immunized against COVID-19, i.e. got two shots of the vaccine will no longer need to practice quarantine measures, including getting tested, isolating yourself from the crowd as a vaccinated person would be immunized against the virus.
Visit unvaccinated groups, with precautions
There's a large section of people who still aren't vaccinated and may not accept the vaccine, leaving them unprotected against the virus. However, this doesn't mean people won't get to gather again. The vaccinated ones can visit or spend time with unvaccinated people, including kids and adults, visit friends and relatives and follow basic precautions, such as using a mask around high-risk people, frequent handwashing, and disinfection.
The list of activities you can do after getting the second dose comes off as happy news. That being said, to get the maximum protection from your COVID vaccine, it's pertinent right now to get both shots of the vaccine, at the correct time.
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