With the onset of the monsoon, the risk of diseases increases too. The moisture-laden atmosphere provides the perfect home for harmful bacterias & viruses to grow. At the same time, people have a lower immunity during this time, making them more vulnerable to diseases caused by these bacterias & viruses. With the current pandemic going on, the situation becomes scarier. During this time, a lower immunity can put you at a higher risk of getting affected by the coronavirus, thus risking your life.
That’s why it becomes important that you take care of yourself as the weather changes. Here are a few tips to help you out in doing that.
Be mindful of what you eat
Your diet plays a primary role when it comes to staying fit during the changing seasons. With a healthy dietary plan, you can ensure ample nutrition & hence better health. Prefer seasonal fruits & vegetables for better health care. Including vegetables like bell peppers, broccoli & green leafy vegetables will help enhance your immune system. Staying hydrated is another important part of a healthy diet. Besides drinking enough water, consume fruits & vegetables high in water content like melons, tomatoes, etc.
Vitamin C to the rescue
Vitamin C is an antioxidant that can keep you safe from infections by enhancing your immunity during the changing seasons. It encourages the production of lymphocytes in the body and saves the body cells from free radical damage. This keeps you safe from any bacterial or viral diseases that come during the time. Your regular diet must be rich in Vitamin C & contain citrus fruits, berries, bell peppers, papayas, kiwis, and more.
Invest in your daily hygiene
As the season changes, viral & bacterial infections are on a rise. That’s why perfect hygiene is a must. Bacterias & viruses proliferate due to the lack of hygiene and can cause diseases like cold & flu. Ever since the rise of the pandemic, daily hygiene becomes all the more important to stay fit. Remember to keep your hands clean & sanitize regularly. Also, sanitize your surroundings from time to time to ensure better hygiene.
Incorporate exercise & rest in your routine
Both exercise & rest are equally important to lead a healthy life. Exercises enhancing your immunity making you resistant to seasonal diseases. You must incorporate at least 30 to 60 minutes of exercise into your daily routine. Besides the gym, you can rely on yoga, walking, or calisthenics for your daily exercise. Likewise, it’s important to give your body enough rest in order to keep it fit. Ensure a minimum of 7-8 hours of sleep every night in order to keep yourself fit & fine.
Your vigilance is your weapon
Besides everything else, your vigilance is what will prove the most important in your fight against the changing seasons. You need to be mindful of your health & keep an eye out for any changes that you might notice. Following the above tips will help you stay fit & stay away from infections that might put you at risk. And if you notice that your health is deteriorating, visit a doctor at the earliest & get a professional diagnosis done. After all, your prevention will prove to be your protection during this time.
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