When you hear the words ‘tired’ or ‘fatigued’ what is it that you think of? Monday mornings? End of the day? It is natural to sometimes feel tired and not wanting to do anything. However, if this tiredness is recurring and saps the enthusiasm out of you, you should do something about it.
In this SMBT blog, we tell you a few things you can try at home to feel more energetic and less tired. This isn’t medical advice but lifestyle changes that will definitely help your health. Naturally, one blog is not enough to discuss this issue at length, we have tried to cover a few popular practices and lifestyle changes. If the tiredness persists, you should seek the help of a medical professional.
Start strong
When you wake up in the morning and what you do immediately after, affects how you will feel for the rest of the day. While most of this will depend on the quality of sleep, there is something you can do when you wake up. Wake up at least 10 minutes before you plan to start the day and start with some stretching and flexibility exercises. This will ensure that you feel fresh and less tired to start the day, setting a tone for the rest of the day.
Don’t stuff your lunch
A lot of people complain of feeling tired or low on energy in the afternoon and one of the reasons for that could be a heavy lunch. If you eat a heavy lunch or eat too quickly, your digestive system is under stress and requires energy to digest the food. This leaves the rest of the body with less energy to work with.
Screen your screen time
As professionals on the go and always digitally connected with the world, we have inculcated new sets of habits. If the first thing you do when you get up in the morning is check your mobile phone or laptop, that can be a problem.
When you sleep, your eyes are resting and if you subject them to a screen just before going to sleep or after you wake up, then you are putting unnecessary strain on your eyes. This strain could be the reason you feel tired and there is a way to fix this. It is recommended that when you wake up, it is always better to stare at a tree or even a house plant for a couple of minutes.
Take deep breaths
Unless we play a sport or actively exercise, we tend to spend most of the day passively breathing. It is important to breathe actively and take deep breaths at different times in your day. This will ensure that your body has enough oxygen and you do not feel low on energy.
Take a vacation
Being tired could be a sign that your routine is getting to you. Try changing your routine and take a break once in a while. A vacation not only helps you to relax but it ensures that there is a change in your routine and in your surroundings.
If you found the blog helpful, share it with your friends and family. Also, stay tuned with us for more health related blogs.
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